This is perhaps more of a rant than anything else but after being so pleased with the way Blackbaud introduced Batch into the RE:API I now found myself stuck with another piece of Raiser’s Edge functionality that I am less than pleased with.In the UK Gift Aid is big business. In the States (and possibly elsewhere) the donor can claim tax back from charitable donations. In the
Continue reading Adjust that tax claim at your peril
Tag Archives: The Raiser’s Edge
Additions to the Plugin Directory
Since we started the plugin directory new plugins have been added. Here are the most recent additions to the plugin directory. If we have missed any then feel free to add them. Thank you to all those who have added over the past months.
Cannot find the plugin that you are looking for? Get in contact with us and find out how we can make your Raiser’s Edge processes more efficient and make savings in both time and money.
In a .NET plugin “deleting makes Raiser’s Edge go backwards”
OK so the title can be interpreted in many different ways but what is says in essential the truth.
I had a complaint from a client who was testing a plugin that I had created. She said that “deleting makes Raiser’s Edge go backwards and that the arrow keys were broken too”. Of course it took some probing for me to work out what she really meant but here is it is.
Continue reading In a .NET plugin “deleting makes Raiser’s Edge go backwards”
Top Plugins in November
Here are the most popular plugins for the month of November from the plugin directory. This is based on the click through for more information link.
- Audit Trail
- Action Reminder Updater
- Convio DataSync Connector RE
- Blackbaud NetCommunity Integration
- Constituent Document Linker
- Bank Checker Solution
- Create Preferred Address
- Alternate Address Deleter
- Custom Reports
Cannot find the plugin that you are looking for? Get in contact with us and find out how we can make your Raiser’s Edge processes more efficient and make savings in both time and money.
Integrating with Excel
Two common tasks seem to be integrating RE with an Excel file. This can mean two things. Either from a plugin or some RE:VBA code opening a Excel file and extracting the data or it can mean that from within Excel VBA access the RE objects to retrieve some data. The way you handle the two scenarios is quite different.
If you are trying to connect to Raiser’s Edge from Excel you will need the API module. You connect to RE using the REAPI object and initialize it with a serial number and optionally user name and password. You then use the API in exactly the same way as you would from within RE, i.e. via VBA or any other API application.
If you want to open up Excel from RE then you will need to create the application objects. This is shown in the example below:
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application ' Excel application Dim objBook As Excel.Workbook ' Excel workbook Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet ' Excel Worksheet Dim oConstit As New CRecord oConstit.Init REApplication.SessionContext Set objExcel = CreateObject("excel.application") 'Starts the Excel Session Set objBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:test.xls") For Each objSheet In objBook.Sheets If UCase(objSheet.Name) = "Sheet1" Then oConstit.Load CLng(objSheet.Range("A2").Text) objSheet.Range("A3").Text = oConstit.Fields(RECORDS_fld_FULL_NAME) Exit For End If Next objSheet objBook.Save If Not objBook Is Nothing Then objBook.Close Set objBook = Nothing End If If Not objExcel Is Nothing Then objExcel.Quit Set objExcel = Nothing End If
This is quite self-explanatory code, although Excel has an object model just as RE does which is very large and takes a while to get to understand. There is plenty of Excel API information on MSDN.
Plugin Directory Sort and Filter
The plugin directory has been upgraded to include the possibility to filter by product type e.g. Raiser’s Edge, NetCommunity, etc. This is slightly limited as it is currently only possible to give each plugin one product category even though some span two products.
I have also added sort functionality so that you can sort alphabetically, by most highly rated and most highly viewed (based on the click through to more information).
As previously if you have had any experience with any of the plugins add your comments as it will help others to decide their usefulness.
Here is the link again:
API 7.82 – The Silent Revolution
I normally keep up with the latest changes in the Raiser’s Edge version. I thought that the jump from 7.81 to 7.82 was not that great. I knew that there were fixes so that RE would work with Office 2007, there were some more changes to optional modules (I was only really familiar with events), there were new names for items in query and export, another change to Gift Aid and that was about it. At least that was it until I saw an item on the conference pages talking about the new Batch API code that had been made available. What?? Batch API! This is something that I have been asking for forever and it completely threw me when I just stumbled across it. Continue reading API 7.82 – The Silent Revolution
Custom user defined business rules
The idea of creating user defined business rules has been discussed in various threads at Blackbus and on the Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge forums (see User Defined Business Rules for example). The whole functionality is really useful but there are clearly limitations.
One really good use of VBA is to perform this very task. For those not familiar with the build in version it allows you to select a query (constituent, gift or action) and for a all or a limited number of security groups it allows you to display a message on opening the record. This same functionality can be repeated using VBA. Of course you are able to query on a lot more, or perform more than simply display a message. Continue reading Custom user defined business rules
How to install a plugin
You may be interested in knowing how to install a plugin because you have just downloaded one and want to install it or you have just developed a plugin and want to deploy it. This article covers both.
Continue reading How to install a plugin
How I would improve the API
If I have often wondered if I were in charge of the API at Blackbaud how I would change it. Well unfortunately I don’t wield that kind of power and secondly I am not sure that a major overhaul is required. It is clearly not a modern API being COM based but for the main it works well. However there are still quite a few areas that I would improve upon. I don’t suppose that these will ever happen. Changing the API is no doubt lower on Blackbaud’s list of priorities. With the imminent arrival of the Infinity platform (and, yes, its name does seem to have influenced the pace at which it is being released) , the ability to develop any interface into the system seems a real possibility. RE API by comparison appears somewhat staid and limited. I would imagine it no longer commands the attention at Blackbaud those of us using it would like.
That being said I would love to be proven wrong so Blackbaud if you are listening here are the areas that I would change: Continue reading How I would improve the API